Thursday, June 23, 2005
Wide Open
Isn't funny to sit and watch kids play? Its like they don't know anyone else is there. I can remember (n the days before my brother and sister) I would pretend that I was Roger Staubauch winning a super bowl championship in my back yard. If you ever go to one of those 'play' areas in a mall you can hear them playing long before you see them. Running, jumping, screaming, twirling, sliding, and bounding they go inside the little place. Have you ever watched them? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be that care free? Have you ever wanted to go back and be that care free? I can tell you I have. To be so wide open. To be so innocent and accepting. There is just something about children that makes me feel good and innocent and pure. It like they have no motives for their actions (well, that's not exactly true but you know what I mean). They are easy to teach and mold is what I mean. Maybe this is why Jesus says 'they' are what we should model our faith after. Not that we are become children in our actions but to be 'like' them in our, accepting, humble, wide-eyed, simple, innocent, playful, loyal to our father. I don't know, there is just something about that passage I love. There is something about Jesus' words that hit me hard. I wish I weren't so adult-like all the time...maybe I would understand his words better.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Sucker for a good love story
Ok, I can admit it. I am a sucker for a good love story. It’s really cool when they are found in unusual places. Like Braveheart heart for instance. In the midst of this violent, engaging, and inspiring movie there is this thread of a love story woven through. Or take another great movie like Field of Dreams. It is a not just about him building a field but him doing it so he could once again connect with his father. I didn’t say it was just ‘romantic’ love stories I liked. I think there is something about happy endings. There is something cool about human relationships working out inside the context of love and hope. Its like a good piece of cake topped with ice cream after a steak dinner—it completes the experience. Love does that. It completes relationships. They don’t have to be romantic to be completed. Friends can be completed by love inside their relationship. Families can be completed by love inside their relationship. Man I love a good love story—especially if I am in one.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Strong Predictor
Yes, I am back on the blogging scene. After 3 weeks of contemplation, deep thought and reflection, I have come to the realization of 2 things. One, if you spend too much time in deep thought you WILL fall asleep. Two, I am the greatest predictor of relationships ever known to man. I can successfully predict how, when and who someone will hook up with. I don’t know where I got this gift. I just know I have it. It is like a feeling I have. It is like spontaneous thought that suddenly over takes me. It can be a curse and a blessing. Maybe it is because I can read people so well. Maybe it is because I am just the world’s best listener. So if any of you that want to know who, when and where you will find your wife or husband, just ask. I will tell you. Thank you, drive through.