Yes, I am back on the blogging scene. After 3 weeks of contemplation, deep thought and reflection, I have come to the realization of 2 things. One, if you spend too much time in deep thought you WILL fall asleep. Two, I am the greatest predictor of relationships ever known to man. I can successfully predict how, when and who someone will hook up with. I don’t know where I got this gift. I just know I have it. It is like a feeling I have. It is like spontaneous thought that suddenly over takes me. It can be a curse and a blessing. Maybe it is because I can read people so well. Maybe it is because I am just the world’s best listener. So if any of you that want to know who, when and where you will find your wife or husband, just ask. I will tell you. Thank you, drive through.
# posted by chris b @ 1:27 PM