Friday, March 25, 2005


Another Year

Well, I turned 33 yesterday. To some that is very old to others it is not. To me its exciting. I really dreaded my 30th birthday for some reason. But as the early thirties are slowly become the mid-30's, I am feeling pretty good about my age. Now I don't quite bounce back from atheletic events like I once did; but then again I am not the most talented ball in the bag either. I am a little more forgetful. Yet, I am very glad to have lived the life I have lived and to know the people I know. I have a great, wonderful, unbelievably patient, beautiful wife. I have an amazing job. I have awesome friends (both old and new). I generally want for nothing. But there is something more that is stirring around in my heart and sould these days. I want desperately to be significant. This used to be a very seflish feeling. I wanted the attention to be set on me (even though I would never have admitted this). But now I am finding more and more that I really want another type of significance. The significance that comes from a relationship that is built and lived solely on faith and trust in the unknown. My God is inside me and trying desperately to live. The breath that fills me is not mine but His. I guess you could say that my significance comes from Him.

All in all, I feel very blessed in my life. Another year down, more life to live. I can't wait to see what my Leader has in store for me!!!

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