Monday, March 28, 2005


How to talk about God

How do you talk about God in public? How do you bring up Jesus without someone immediately tuning you out? I work a lot with teens and families. I work in a great church. I have many great friends and a wonderful family. My life is blessed. I am responsible for many "God" type things at my job. I teach people about God, the Bible, Jesus, church, etc. I encourage people to find out what their gifts are and use them for God. I try and get people to give their entire selves to God's service and live their lives in the pattern of Christ. I even write blogs about how we should act and how we should reach out to others and how the church should focus on reaching the world around "IT". But I have become aware of a slight problem in my life. I don't know how to talk about God. I can talk around him. I pray, I read my Bible, I try and teach it's truths. But I have not brought anyone to Christ since High School. Now, I am part of a great Student Ministry and sure I have helped people make decisions to Follow God. However, I am not sure I even know how to talk about God. I believe that actions speak louder than words. But I am not sure I even act very Christ-like sometimes. Ok, ok, what is the point?

My life is so much about me that I have forgotten to make it about Him. My life has become so focused on the mudane that I have forgotten the Divine. I have filled my schedule and brain up with so much chaos that I have forgotten about the Simple Way. I am beginning to think that I may actually know how to talk about God, I just choose not to. I choose not to bring up how He has changed my life and how He is changing the lives of so many people I know. I am scared. I am nervous. I have spiritual ADD. I can't focus long enough on what matters. And the more I read His Word the more I realize what matters. God's Son, God's Mission, God's Purpose. Maybe it is time I am not silent about these things. Maybe its time I spend my talking time saying things that are significant. God has invaded our world, yet it sure is hard to see. At least, we don't talk about It very much.

I love that phraes "Spiritual ADD". That's a great thought. As in real life ADD it doesn't help to just say "do it better", or "just work harder." As in the real world people who suffer from ADD need new skills that work with their personalities to help them overcome their hurdles.

It's the same in our spiritual lives. We can't just take a pill and it will be ok all of a sudden. We have to look for things that work to bring us closer to God, and rely on those things. For me it's music and lately it's been Lectio Divina.
loved looking up lectio divina. makes me feel better about not being able to speed read.
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