Monday, April 04, 2005


Boxes Everywhere!!!

Well gang we finally moved in to our new place this past weekend. It is great to be in a new home. We have more room, more living space, a bigger bathroom, a garage...and more boxes that any 20 people I know. It is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate over time. I can remember the days back in college when I could load all I own in my Mustang LX (we called it 'the Stang'). Those days are long gone my friend. I am not complaining mind you. I am just a little overwhelmed. I mean, where is it all going to go? How can we possibly fit everything in our house? Can any of it be burned? What if we "accidentially" dropped a few things? At this point I will settle for a path to and from the kitchen and bedroom. Oh, and getting my TiVO activated so I don't miss any episodes of the O.C.

It is just fine to "drop" some things. "Burn" is bad word. "Saving room in the landfill" is the most productive term. Now is the best time to have this talk with your wonderful wife, because you can hide in the boxes when she tries to attack you. Good Luck.
Remember when we first moved to Abilene and not only did we get all your stuff in the Stang, but some of my stuff to. Rest of it went in the Volvo. That was some fun times.
Maybe invest in nice fabric and drape the boxes to make unique furniture. Hey, we old parents like th O.C. too. My favorite is SETH!!!
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