Monday, May 16, 2005



Have you ever been restless? Have you ever woken up at 3 AM unable to sleep? Have you ever sat in your office or couch just staring into space thinking and pondering? Have you ever listened to whole conversations directed right at you and not heard a word said? Have you ever been restless? I like to call it 'forging' time or 'creative' time. It is a time when my creative juices are beginning to flow and ideas are beginning to emerge. It is a time when a path becomes clear.

Catch #1— I don't always realize what is happening. You see I just keep going about my merry way not knowing that God is stirring me up. He is causing me to feel uncomfortable and even closed off. I can look back at some significant defining moments in my life and see that God was 'forging' me into something more. Some of my best ideas and 'visions' have come from times of restlessness (when I say ‘my visions’ I mean the vision that God has given me).

Catch #2 – I have to actually slow down long enough to hear Him talking with me, directing me, guiding me, and 'forging' me. If I don't slow down, I just move past paths meant to be taken. I have to actually get away from things to hear Him. I have to take some time away from everything (which I hate doing) to bath in the Light of His Purposes.

But something is different this time. This time I am actually being hit on the head and heart hard enough to realize that He is trying to get my attention (He has probably been trying for a while). I want desperately to hear Him. I want this restlessness to become rest. I want my 'forging' to become focus. I want my 'unknowing' to become undeniable direction. The only way to get to it is to go into the quiet. Jesus spent much time alone. Now I truly know why. Even He had to be away from things to hear his Father. If you answered yes to any of the questions above, maybe it is time for you to be alone with God. Maybe it is time for you to be forged. Maybe it is time for you to be pulled from your comfort into a place of un-comfort so that you can be used by God. Maybe it is time for you to find rest.

Is that what it is that wakes me at 4am? I thought I was just getting old... Things do seem to go better when I spend time alone each day. Somehow the devil keeps pulling me away from that habit. On the upside, God keeps pulling me back! Mrs.B
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