Ok. I have been simmering on this one for a bit (since November). I heard this great speaker at a conference I went to in Atlanta. His name is Rob Bell. He was talking about sharing the Good News of Christ in a way that is more accepted by those that don't really want to hear it. Anyway, in the midst of his talk, he brought up a thought that I have not been able to get over. He talked of the way in which the Truths of the bible can be used. But it was more than that. His point was that if there is Truth, it must be God's truth...I am sure I am over simplifying this. But if you look in the book of Acts, chapter 17, verse 28 Paul uses the words of common day Poet to communicate the Gospel (his actual quote is'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'). That makes me think. How do we use the Truths around us...the Truths that can only point to the Creator and his Grace to communicate his Gospel? Or better yet, how do we NOT use them but instead abuse them? Do we rely on too many 'traditional' methods to communicate the Grace and Beauty of God's Story. What can be found in movies or music (even R rated or expicit) than can be used to reach a generation of people tha desperately need to hear about the Hope we have in Christ Jesus. Instead of slamming on the music or movies someone listens to or looks at, why not help them learn to sift through the garbage that those things bring. We can't run from the world for ever. Afterall, I thought it was Created and Sustained by God...at least that is what we are taught and some of us teach. Someone help me with this....
# posted by chris b @ 12:35 PM