Monday, August 08, 2005


Changes Ahead Are Now, #1

We live in a different world. When I say different I mean that no longer are we in an environment that automatically knows what you mean when you talk about ‘going to church’. It also means that people look at you funny if you speak about spirituality as something that means ‘that which only comes from God’s power and spirit’. Anyway, Mindy and I have been on vacation this past week. It has been awesome and has also given me some time to think and reflect on a few things. I want to begin sharing them over the next few blogs if everyone doesn’t mind. My first thought I want to leave with you is this: We no longer can reach people the way we reached people 50 or 30 or even 10 years ago. We have to adapt our method of sharing the gospel. That doesn’t mean we change the gospel, just our method of sharing and reaching others. What are some positive ways you have seen it done? I am curious. How do you feel we can reach this new world with a timeless message? Shout it out from the roof tops!!!

share our story and how God has benefited us. The makes things real and authentic. People think, if it can happen for them, why can't it work for me?
And God does say, "Go." Not, "Sit in church and wait for people to come."

I think we need to start by changing our vocabulary. Little things like saying "blessed" instead of "lucky." We also need to have the courage to talk about our religion when people ask. Fit it in anyway you can. I love when people ask how I met Carl because then I get to tell my testimony about how I became a Christian in the process.

We also need to remember that we're not forcing it on people. 85% of Americans claim to be Christian, but only 33% go to church on Sundays. If they're already Christians, it should be easy to talk to them about religion. People are always searching for truth and blessed it is for us because we've got it!
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