I have been on this workout kick for a few months now. Not counting December, I have been going 2-3 times per week to a local gym. I do cardio, stretching, weights, etc. It has helped my energy level and also really clears my mind. I think I am definitely in better shape right now than this time last year. During this time, I have learned 2 things about myself. 1) I hate working out. 2) I love what working out does for me physically and mentally. I do not necessarily look forward to my hour or so of sweat, straining, strength building. Yes, I am more flexible than I have ever been (not counting the glory years--High School). I am stronger than I have been in years. I have found that I have more energy and find myself actually wanting to eat better. But I sure do hate the price I pay for these results. Just now as I am writing this, I am secretly thinking of excuses on why I shouldn't go today. But I know I will. I know I will drag myself there, workout, shower and feel totally glad I did.
I know, I know everyone is waiting for the spiritual analogy. I am not giving one. You can make up your own. I am simply saying that sometimes you have to suffer some uncomfortable moments so that you can feel better, think better etc. I would be curious to see how many out there suffer through something but the results. Let's hear it....
# posted by chris b @ 11:26 AM