There are some things or experiences in life that make a person think. Either you think differently about a certain subject or maybe you look at life in a different way. Then there are those experiences that pretty much shake you to the core and un-hinge every bit of foundation you have right out from under you. It is in these times that your thoughts begin to take on a very shady, creepy, and confusing tone. You begin to second guess almost every other aspect of your life--decsions you've made, choices you are confronted with, etc. It is kind of like being a baseball player who has learned (just before it is his turn to bat) that bats are now outlawed. Everything you thought you knew, you begin to question. And the answers you had to every question no longer seem to apply. This is also the time that helps you grow and change and become a more stable person (as ironic as that sounds). I wonder why that is? Why are we made that way? (Because I think that we are made that way and there must be a reason we are made that way).
# posted by chris b @ 12:28 PM