Sunday, July 16, 2006
What Is Important
I was just telling Mindy this week how incredible it is that you two love each other so much. You truly have sought refuge in each other and the connection between you is unmistakable and unbreakable. What a gift you are to each other and those watching from the outside. I am thankful you've been given this opportunity to truly appreciate and connect with each other (in ways that most couples will not know). I am glad you are using this time of waiting for good and not bad. It's brought you two even closer instead of pulling you apart. Thank you for such a beautiful example. I'm sorry it's been so hard and we are praying the waiting time will end SOON!!!
We love you guys and are thankful for your friendship!
My wife already posted, and I second everything she said. I just wanted to say what an honor it is to know you at this time in your life. "I highly value your friendship" is a huge understatement. Years from now we will look back on this and think, WOW, the trenches were DEEP, but we made it! Thank you for facing the trenches with courage and faith (not naive faith but rugged faith), and for letting all of us go it with you.
Press on,
Jill K
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