Sunday, July 16, 2006


What Is Important

Well this is my first post in a while. I have not had much to say lately or maybe haven't felt like saying anything. But I have had some time to reflect and look back on somethings in life that I think are very important. As most of you know, Mindy and I have been trying to have kids but have been unsuccessful. That has kept me up nights and made me angry and confused and sad and..well you get the picture. But I have come to realize that having children is not nearly as important as my marriage. Mindy is so very important to me not only as my wife but as my best friend, my trusted companion, my confidant, my love, and my accountability. I thought I may say more but i will not, let me leave you with this thought, sometimes you have all you need right in front of you.

Chris and Mindy, I am sad for you that you haven't yet been able to have a baby. I can't think of anyone who would be better parents than you both! But you are two are the most important people to each other. There are not many godly marriages out there for our teens to observe. We are blessed at Fairfax that the kids can look at couples like you two. Keep loving each other! You are great examples, and patience is a virtue good parents need! I'll pray for you both! Jerri
wow, Chris You are truely an Amazing Christian Man. Mindy is lucky to have you, and you are truely lucky to have Mindy!! I cokntinue to keep you both in my prayers and pray for God's peace in your lives! Love you two.
It is sooo hard to sit back and let God be in charge when we want something sooooo badly. Hang in there, keep cherishing your wife and although this sounds cliche' God has good thigs in store for you.
We continue to pray for Baby Bedard daily and ask that the parents of this sweet baby will SOON begin the 9 month journey to seeing him(or her)in your arms! O, what a day of rejoicing that will be for us!!!

I was just telling Mindy this week how incredible it is that you two love each other so much. You truly have sought refuge in each other and the connection between you is unmistakable and unbreakable. What a gift you are to each other and those watching from the outside. I am thankful you've been given this opportunity to truly appreciate and connect with each other (in ways that most couples will not know). I am glad you are using this time of waiting for good and not bad. It's brought you two even closer instead of pulling you apart. Thank you for such a beautiful example. I'm sorry it's been so hard and we are praying the waiting time will end SOON!!!

We love you guys and are thankful for your friendship!
Hey man,
My wife already posted, and I second everything she said. I just wanted to say what an honor it is to know you at this time in your life. "I highly value your friendship" is a huge understatement. Years from now we will look back on this and think, WOW, the trenches were DEEP, but we made it! Thank you for facing the trenches with courage and faith (not naive faith but rugged faith), and for letting all of us go it with you.
Press on,
if i were married to mindy i'd feel like you do!!! haha. i wasn't blessed with kids until age 34. i know you'll have them. i just know. i just know. maybe like abraham and sarah, or elizabeth and zechariah (don't laugh). i say, take tons and tons of flax seed oil. that's my cure for EVERYTHING!!! (particularly conception....hey, it works).
Chris, you and Mindy, are such wonderful examples to all of us in ways you can't even imagine! There are not words to express the love that everyone has for the two of you and for the pain we feel for this struggle you face. Thank you for being so open and honest with us when you didn't have to. I am so thankful that you have each other and my prayers for you will not cease!! Love you!

Jill K
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