Thursday, December 07, 2006


What We Say Counts

Man is it hard sometimes to watch what you say. Sometimes you just want to fly off at the mouth (as they say). This is also true of what we write, what we post, what we put as a video or photo, and what we respond to one of those with. Some people seem to just think that they can say whatever they want because they are not really saying to someone in person. This really doesn't make sense (unless of course you are brave enough to say it to their face vs. simply commenting on a blog or wall, etc). But then there are those that can pretty much cut people to the quick whether they are in person or online. WE live in such a 'tell it like it is world'. So when does 'telling it like it is' cross the line into 'that really hurt my feelings so keep your comments to yourself'? Good question. Again, God tells us to be 'slow to speak and quick to listen'. Oh and something added at the end about 'slow to get angry'. But how is this possible and why would that anger part be joined up with speaking and listening? Well if all you do is speak and don't listen, you really aren't communicating effectively. If you listen all the time and never speak, you are not communicating really at all (excpept for non-verbals that can, at times, be louder than words). But when we don't listen, speak mostly from anger or allow our anger to guide our listening and speaking, we are in trouble. WE go from being meek, humble, and holy to mean-spirited, manipulative, and confusing. I do this too much at times in my life. I need to chill on my listening, speaking, anger combo. I guess we all do from time to time.

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