Wednesday, April 06, 2005
All Riled Up
1. I think God is cool. I think Jesus rocks. I think the church can be a an amazing community of support and connection for so many. So why do we continually allow other things to get in the way of God? Why do we continually bow at the altar in them temple of Hollywood or Oprah or Dr. Phil or gaming systems or Texas hold 'em?
2. I think the Bible is God's inspired word. I don't understand all of it and struggle to get through certain parts of it. But I think there are probably different ways or methods of sharing it's truths with people that don't know it or don't believe it. I am wondering if our churches should rethink the way it is taught...not what is taught just the method used to teach it.
3. I want to be Clean. I want to be New. I want to be useful to God. I to be used by God. I want a revolution of the Spirit. I want revival to happen in our schools or homes and our churches. I want prayer to be taken seriously. I want the love of people to be more important than the love of things or rules.
But I am a fool. I am crazy. I am unbelievably lost. I am looking for shore on a calm spring day. I am circling the runway with not a cloud in the sky. I am searching for buried treasure right above an X. But I am hopeful, oh I am hopeful. I am faithful. I am foolish (as the world defines it). I am pushed but not broken. I am pulled but not torn. I am stretched but not broken. I am weak but so very strong. I am all riled up but as calm as I can be. I am confused but very clear headed. I am busy but focused. I think being a little fired up is good sometimes. But being fire up for God is life changing all the time. I think its time we get a little riled up.
ps. i had a lovely time at retreat!
Mrs. Shunk
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