Thursday, January 26, 2006
Old Pics and Old Videos
Have you ever gone through old pictures? It can be a very funny experience. But something far more entertaining is to go through old video footage....especially footage that you thought was long gone. This happened to me about 3 months ago. I was just cleaning up my hard drive and I cam across this video called 'Impact'. It was done by Paul and Mark (couple of teens who were, at the time, in 8th grade). It is hillarious!!! I watched it over and over again. Then when those two came in to my office one day (they are now Juniors in High School), I showed it to them. The response was awesome!!! Just watching their faces as they watched their beautiful video was priceless. About a month after I first showed it to them, I showed it to a big group of High School teens at our retreat. We had to watch it 2 times it was so funny!! I just had to write about it because it is yet another reminder that you never know when something you do on video will end up being entertainment for others for years to come.
Thanks Paul and Mark...oh and there Mark, there.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Hate the Workout, Love the Results
I have been on this workout kick for a few months now. Not counting December, I have been going 2-3 times per week to a local gym. I do cardio, stretching, weights, etc. It has helped my energy level and also really clears my mind. I think I am definitely in better shape right now than this time last year. During this time, I have learned 2 things about myself. 1) I hate working out. 2) I love what working out does for me physically and mentally. I do not necessarily look forward to my hour or so of sweat, straining, strength building. Yes, I am more flexible than I have ever been (not counting the glory years--High School). I am stronger than I have been in years. I have found that I have more energy and find myself actually wanting to eat better. But I sure do hate the price I pay for these results. Just now as I am writing this, I am secretly thinking of excuses on why I shouldn't go today. But I know I will. I know I will drag myself there, workout, shower and feel totally glad I did.
I know, I know everyone is waiting for the spiritual analogy. I am not giving one. You can make up your own. I am simply saying that sometimes you have to suffer some uncomfortable moments so that you can feel better, think better etc. I would be curious to see how many out there suffer through something but the results. Let's hear it....
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Blogging About Blogs
I am sure I am not the first person to blog about the impact of blogs (probably not the last). I do know that I am surrounded by several people that blog or use other online journal-type medium to get their thoughts down, post pictures, etc. And I guess I have been in a kind of weird mood lately because I have been wondering how this new blog world has had or will have an impact on us. We are made to be relational peopl (that means we are meant to actually speak with people face to face, be friends with each other, etc). My question is, how can you be in a relationship with someone (whether friendship or else wise) if you are only speaking to them via email, chat, or blog? Is that even possible? Now don't get defensive. This is just the rambling of a simple man with some questions. One of my friends, Shayna, brought up another area of our lives tha seems to be 'people-less'. The ole self-check in the grocery store. I gotta tell you I am a fan. But what is the cost. I know, I know this is a small area of our life. But where does it stop?
I read this interesting book a few years back by George Barna about Teens and church life. He stated that people in the next 20 years would be receiving a certain percentage of their spiritual/religious experiences via the internet. (I can not remember the percentage nor can I find it now but it has stuck with me). I am not sure what I think about that. I have noticed several very web-savy churches around here and other parts of the country. Heck, we even used a clip found on the internet to introduce a class topic the other day in our JH class. I am not railing against the internet or blogging or self-check outs. I am just wondering what the effects of this new digital journaling world will be. Is it possible that people will actually hear, believe and comment to following Christ without face-to-face contact? Is is realistic to believe someone might actually start a church that does not meet in a building of any kind but only via an online journal/web site? Is is possible that our traditional belief of church buildings, meeting spaces, etc. will be radically changed by the culture we are curretntly living in?
Can Christ be met online? Can the Gospel be successfully portrayed through a blog or Facebook? Can we self-check our way into a new type of God-follower community?
Let me hear ya....
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Crazy Thought
Here is a crazy thought. What if all this blogging, facebooking, myspacing, etc. is actually a bad idea? What if in the long run it turns out to be one of the causes of disconnect we currently are experiencing in this world? (disconnect from intimate community vs. world wide community) What if an entire generation grow up experiencing community through the screen and keys of a computer? What if we learn how to have simple conversations with those around us? What if we forget that people are actually more important that machines?(I know that one was a bit cheesy but think about it) What if we would rather send an email than get up, walk 5 feet and talk with someone in person? What if we create an environment that allows people to say anything they want, in any way, as much as they want regardless of how hurtful it is? What if we forget how to tell stories live and in person? What if we forget that our story is connected to a larger story? What if we let web pages and keyboard shortcuts dominate that story? What if we replace authentic live worship experiences with piped in video versions?
What if....