Friday, October 21, 2005
Help Please
Just to add to the post I had earlier this week...I don't want to ask for help because I am lazy. I sincerely want to help other people find their gifts and talents and begin using them for God and His world around them (the church included). I think there is a difference in just being lazy and trying to help others discover their talents. Plus I finally discovering (and admitting) that I am not good at everything. I need help. It has taken me some time to say/admit that and really mean it. I think God made us so that we can help each other. That's why He's God and we are not (well one of the reasons). Thank you, drive through.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Who Can Help?
Well, I have had a huge break through thought. It is not something that I have just come up with myself and, in fact, I am a little embarrassed to have taken so long to ge to this point in my thinking. I have often wondered if there were certain requirements for people to be able to help out other people. I know that sounds weird but I wondered if only those that were Christian could truly help someone else. Well, obviously lots of people that would not consider themselves Christian help others all the time. But to go a step further, I have also acted as those only certain teens could serve in certain capacities. I am actually changing my view on this. I feel very stupid to even have thought this to begin with. I am not sure why but I am seeing things differently now. I am now going to devote a lot of my time trying to help teens find their place inside church life, inside their relationship with God and inside a ministry to others around them. (What do I mean by ministry, you may be asking--well a person I know defines it as "meeting the needs of others in love"). For example, I am not very good at certain things that are required of me in my job--like taking pictures, doing videos that would help get points of lessons across better, getting pictures up on the web faster, making sure we have plenty of information communicated about upcoming events, etc. etc....I mean the list could go on forever. But there are perfectly capable teens and adults around me that would not only be better at these things than me but jump at the chance to help out...THEY JUST NEED TO BE ASKED!!! What a novel idea. So, I am going to start asking. You can all hold me accountable to this...whether I like it or not. I have gone too long trying to do it all by myself because that is what I thought my job is, but my job is to help others serve God and serve those around them. Jesus helped his disciples by teaching them to serve then giving them opportunities to serve. He is a great example. I want to be more helpful to others by giving people chances to serve. This is my new goal. This my new idea..well one that is long over due. Let the serving begin!!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Things I Like
There are a few things I like.
1. Watching football (especially the Dallas Cowboys).
2. Watching playoff baseball.
3. Eating ice cream or doughnuts.
4. Hanging out with my friends.
5. Reading a good book.
6. Playing my guitar.
7. Drinking Coca-Cola.
8. Surfing the internet.
9. Asking good questions.
10. Sleeping in.
How about you?
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Organizational Freak
I am not really the most organized person I know. I am, however, organized in my own weird way. I like things to be done in a certain way, at a certain time. I guess you could say I a bit of a control freak. But I am a 'pile' person. I have stacks everywhere in my life. Stacks of papers from work, bills at home, and I even have a couple of start up piles going in my car. Every once in a while I organize the piles into smaller piles until finally putting the piles in some sort of order. I know to some of you this system would be a nighmare. But to me, it is the way I work. I sometimes wish I was more organized but just never seem to get that way--or at least orgainzed in a different way. I wonder how much this relfects my spiritual life? Do I have piles of stuff, spiritually speaking, that I let pile up and up until one day I am forced to deal with it? Is my relationship with God like that? Are my other relationships like that? Do I keep things in piles only to discover I have forgotten which pile I put them in? What do you think? Are you a spiritual piler or an organizational freak. Speak up.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
There are moments in life that are unforgettable. There are times in our lives we view as defining moments. Some events lead to other events that lead to discussion that lead to confession that lead to redemption. I have taken part of such an event. Without giving any specific information, I would like to say that I love my job! I am humbled to be able to work with, talk with, cry with, laugh with, love, be confused with, and journey with some of the coolest people on the planet. There is no way for me express what each teen I work with means to me. I believe that they are the most genuine and authentic folks I come in contact with. In a world that strives to keep up appearances yet are a mess on the inside, the conversations I had last night was a breath of fresh air. I have just been reminded, yet again, why I love working with teens. I have also been reminded that God works through our hurts, sorrows, and confusion. His love and faith in us only begins when our faith and love end. What can I say…some experiences are unforgettable.