Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Outward Appearance
Ok, I am addicted to TV. And sadly, I am addicted to weird shows. I watched the Wife Swap on ABC last night and also a new show called Identity. Weirdly enough they had something in common. For those that have lives, Identity is a new show that asks a contestant to wade through the identities of 12 people. They have to match what they appear to be with what they actually are or do. And on Wife Swap one of the moms that swapped families was obsessed with her (and her families) outward appearance. She felt that what people first see stays with them and outweighs inward beauty. Anyway, it made me think. Aren't we all like that? I mean we all look at people and make snap judgements about them, their past, their present, their future just by what they look like. This game show was really a true example of looking at the outward appearance without one peak at what someone may be on the inside. In fact the folks that are being judged by their appearance are not allowed to talk and must stand there stone faced. I think this show is a good commentary on the world we live in. We are worried much more about the outside of ourselves than the inside. Or maybe its just me.
Outward Appearance
Ok, I am addicted to TV. And sadly, I am addicted to weird shows. I watched the Wife Swap on ABC last night and also a new show called Identity. Weirdly enough they had something in common. For those that have lives, Identity is a new show that asks a contestant to wade through the identities of 12 people. They have to match what they appear to be with what they actually are or do. And on Wife Swap one of the moms that swapped families was obsessed with her (and her families) outward appearance. She felt that what people first see stays with them and outweighs inward beauty. Anyway, it made me think. Aren't we all like that? I mean we all look at people and make snap judgements about them, their past, their present, their future just by what they look like. This game show was really a true example of looking at the outward appearance without one peak at what someone may be on the inside. In fact the folks that are being judged by their appearance are not allowed to talk and must stand there stone faced. I think this show is a good commentary on the world we live in. We are worried much more about the outside of ourselves than the inside. Or maybe its just me.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Ok, so today I was sitting there on the couch watching THE VIEW. I know, I know why was I watching that show of all the shows on. Well, first, I had already watched Sportscenter like 5 bizilion times and second, Mindy was there and wanted to see Bette Midler. So we watched them do their 'hot topics' thing for a while. Then Bette came out and did her thing and sang and then they had another guy on there that just came out with a new book. It was fairly entertaining. Especially at the beginning where Rosie O'Donnel and Barabara Walters basically got into a bit of a scrap over who is richer than who and the difference in 'rich' parties and 'normal' rich parties. It was quite humorous to watch and listen to. I love watching people fight over how rich or not rich they are. Anyway, it made me think. I was like, what are they fighting about. After a while it was very confusing who was on which side of which argument and who was trying to prove what point. It makes me look at my life. I like to argue but don't want to. I guess it does matter your material status, arguments eventually get in the way of a good discussion.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
What We Say Counts
Man is it hard sometimes to watch what you say. Sometimes you just want to fly off at the mouth (as they say). This is also true of what we write, what we post, what we put as a video or photo, and what we respond to one of those with. Some people seem to just think that they can say whatever they want because they are not really saying to someone in person. This really doesn't make sense (unless of course you are brave enough to say it to their face vs. simply commenting on a blog or wall, etc). But then there are those that can pretty much cut people to the quick whether they are in person or online. WE live in such a 'tell it like it is world'. So when does 'telling it like it is' cross the line into 'that really hurt my feelings so keep your comments to yourself'? Good question. Again, God tells us to be 'slow to speak and quick to listen'. Oh and something added at the end about 'slow to get angry'. But how is this possible and why would that anger part be joined up with speaking and listening? Well if all you do is speak and don't listen, you really aren't communicating effectively. If you listen all the time and never speak, you are not communicating really at all (excpept for non-verbals that can, at times, be louder than words). But when we don't listen, speak mostly from anger or allow our anger to guide our listening and speaking, we are in trouble. WE go from being meek, humble, and holy to mean-spirited, manipulative, and confusing. I do this too much at times in my life. I need to chill on my listening, speaking, anger combo. I guess we all do from time to time.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Listen Up
I have really realized lately that I talk a lot. I mean a lot. And if I am moving my mouth so much, my ears are getting pretty left out. I guess that is what happens when you don't listen, you talk. I mean I even talk to my self when I am alone (don't laugh, you know you do it too). Anyway, I think maybe I will try listening a bit more. I think there is something in the bible about that (...be slow to speak and quick to listen and slow to become angry James 1:19). I think that is good advice Especially, like me, you make quick judgements about what people are saying even before they are finished talking. What I am saying is, it's hard to sit an listen sometimes. But it is very important. I am going to try and listen better or more actively (I think Mindy will like that).